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 Never Ending Cashflow Academy ($4,997 Value)
 4 Live & Recorded Q&A Training Sessions - ($997 Value)
 Private Facebook Group ($997 Value)
 Free Bonus #1:
Never Ending Cashflow Software - ($2,500 Value)
 Free Bonus #2:
How To Rescue & Protect Your IRA - ($997 Value)
 Free Bonus #3: How To Create 50% More Tax-Free Retirement Income Without Changing Your Budget - ($997 Value)
 Free Bonus #4: 5 Case Studies (Real Life Proof) - ($997 Value)
 Fast Action Bonus #1: One-On-One Financial Freedom Game Plan ($5,000 Value)
TOTAL VALUE: $17,482

"Money can be an uncomfortable thing for anyone to talk about. It can cause stress and worry-- and it is one of the main reasons for families falling apart. It seemed impossible to imagine a life where we didn’t have to worry so much about paying bills. Our vision when we started with Never Ending Cash Flow was to “work smarter, not harder”.  

We have been with Never Ending Cash Flow for almost three years. The staff keep us updated with new opportunities and are always looking out for our best interests. They have helped to improve our financial future by finding us ways to invest money we have and finding us different ways to make money. With Never Ending Cash Flow, we have been able to pay for our child’s tuition while paying our house down faster. We trust them with our investments and we couldn’t be happier!

Kira Kashiwa

"Never Ending Cash Flow has been a financial lifesaver for us. Josh Peck has worked with us many times. Each time completely taking care of every aspect of the refinancing process. From the beginning, making sure we knew what options we had to choose from, to updates during the process, and then following up with us to make sure we were on track to accomplish our goals of financial freedom. The "outside the box" thinking of the Never Ending Cash Flow has helped us pay down all of our debt, cars, consumer, and school loans so that we can focus on paying off our mortgage faster than any other time in our lives. The strategy that we chose immediately freed up cash flow and long term allowed us to use that cash flow to pay down the debt. My wife and I are so thankful for the hard work that Josh and his partners have put in on our behalf to make sure we got the best possible deal we could so we can become self-reliant and free from the stress of debt. Josh peck and all those associated with the Never Ending Cash Flow and American Money Group are the first people we turn to for financial solutions."

Brad & Heather Freeman

"About 10 years ago my sister and i and a couple of friends went and bought 106 acres and we created this beautiful community that we live in with tons of kids for our families to vow up in and it's been the most amazing thing ever. It has been a dream come true. We couldn't have imagined a better place to raise our kids.  

Just recently we made the difficult decision that we had to sell our home and give up on our dream. We have 4 children that we added to our home and the process of adding them has brought us into court and the only way we could figure to pay for the court costs was to sell our home. 

With 11 kinds now with the 4 added to our family that made our family 11 it was really devastating that this home that we have been playing in and living in and loving with all of our hearts would have to be sold, but more important that our home was that our children had a secure family that they new that they had a place that the could call home and that they would always be safe and together. So selling our home seemed like a really sad but necessary thing to make our other more important dream come true. 

So we got to the point where we had an appointment booked with a realtor to come and sell our home. Lucky for us we stumbled across josh. The way we found Josh was from a referral through a friend. We talked to other financial planners before and they had been very helpful but we weren't quite sure what Josh could do for us, but let me tell you, he blew our minds. He gave us hope, he provided a way for us to keep our home, still be a family, pay for our court costs, and do everyhting we needed to do. It gave us our future back and our dream back that we have been working so hard for. 

Not only did it solve our immediate problem of not selling our house, but it also solved another problem that we have been ignoring for many years which is our retirement. Somehow with our money coming in and our 11 children, it just seemed really hard to save for retirement, but after talking to Josh he just made it easy. He gave us possibilities that we never thought were possible. We don't know why other people and other financial planners have never mentioned them. We highly recommend josh. He has changed our life and we are just so beyond excited to work with him and our future and all that we have to look forward to now. 

Just like we were referred to jsoh by a friend, if you are watching this video we highly recommended josh. More than the money, it's the hope that he has given back to our family. We highly recommend that you work with josh. He has been great, answered all of our questions, and is very easy to work. We are so grateful for all the help he has given to our family. 

Steve and Naomi Pedersen

"I met AMG about 12 years ago at a seminar, about creating never ending cash flow. At that time I had purchased multiple rental properties. When the market dropped, so did the rental market. My cash flow became limited due to the lower rents. I met the Peck’s at that time, Frank, Frankie and Joshua. I was concerned about cash flow as my disabled husband did not qualify for long-term care, and I wanted to create cash flow of $10,000 per month to pay for his care should he need it. 

 Frankie and Joshua suggested a maximum funded insurance plan that would give me the ability to pay for his care. The plan changed to what it is today, and I funded it for five years. It was about 3 years ago that I decided to borrow the funds to purchase a townhouse in cash. The townhouse nets about $1,000 per month after expenses I then put a $250,000 HELOC on that property at 2.75% and invested in Trust Deeds with AMG. The arbitrage on that product nets about $1,100 per month. I received two incomes from that source. I recently was introduced to a new product with AMG. It is mobile home investing. I used $20,000 from one of my HELOCs to invest in this new product. 

 As I used the Never Ending Cash Flow system to bring down the debt on my HELOC’s and the available balance increases I will put in another $20,000. My plan is to have ten of these investments, producing $54,000 per year in principle and interest. AMG has always looked after my interest. They do not offer high flying returns on your investments, and they take a conservative approach with better than market rates. 

 I will be retiring in about two and a half years and have finally reached financial freedom with passive income from my various investments. As prices for real estate in Hawaii keep rising it is great to know that I have another source for creative passive income other than the traditional stocks and mutual funds. I highly recommend AMG as your source for creative investments."

Jan Oshiro

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